About sanstha

!! Bahujan Hitaya ! Bahujan Sukhaya !!

Shri Prince Shivaji Maratha Boarding House, Kolhapur

Recepient of ‘Ideal Educational Institution Award’ of the Maharashtra State Estd. 1920 Regd. No. KOP F 26

1061, A ward, Shivaji Peth, Kolhapur 416012 (Maharashtra ) Phone : (0231) 2623824 Founded by the Late Rajarshi Chhatrapati Shahu in memory of his beloved Prince Shivaji on 1st July, 1920 for the educational development of the masses.
It was founded through the inspiration and active support of His Highness Rajarshi Chh. Shahu Maharaj, in the name of his beloved son Shree Prince Shivaji in 1920. The institution has been providing lodge and boarding facilities to thousands of poor and needy students since its foundation. The New College was established on 15th June 1971 on the occasion of the Golden Jubilee of the Institute to provide Arts and Commerce courses to begin with. The Science Faculty was also introduced in 1975. At present the institution has been running --------------- . The Institution has been honoured by the ‘Ideal Institution Award of Maharashtra State Government for its work and achievements in the field of education under the guidance of Jeshta Shikshan Tadnya Hon’ble D.B.Patil.

Memorandum of Association

  • To spread education in all sections of society.
  • To provide technical and academic education to boys and girls from primary to college level.
  • To provide facilities such as education, lodging and boarding free of charges or at concessional rates.
  • To sanction loan scholarships to present and past students of the Institution for their higher education.
  • To inculcate self-reliance, self-respect and social service in students.
  • To strive to develop patriotism, love for countrymen, love for science and technology as well as good, civic and social qualities in students.
  • To promote awareness among students regarding national integration, democracy, social development, co-operative system, agro industries and social work.
  • To provide special educational facilities to backward classes and promote social equality.
  • To strive to eradicate untouchability.
  • To remove casteism and other various evil differences in society.

Functions of Institution

In accordance with its aims and objectives, the Institution carries out the following functions :-

  • To establish and run boarding houses for students.
  • To establish and run sister educational institutions.
  • To grant loan scholarships and loans.
  • To carry out other allied functions.
  • To plan various schemes and implement them.
  • To cultivate 20 acres of agricultural land at Hanbarwadi Tal. Karveer for raising revenue.

Salient Features of Institution

  • Transparency in all monetary transactions. Payments only by crossed cheques.
  • Recruitment through committees set up as per Government/ University rules.
  • Admissions to various faculties only on the basis of merit.
  • The institution strives for the upliftment of the masses.
  • Training centres for competitive exams through sister concerns.

Hostels of Institution

  1. Boys’ Hostel, Shivaji Peth, Kolhapur Capacity : 100 boys
  2. Chh. Rajaram Boys’ Hostel, 51 Thana, Mangalwar Peth, Kolhapur Capacity : 150 boys
  3. Three independent Ladies’ Hostels Capacity : 280 girls

Features of Hostels

  • Lodging and boarding facilities at concessional rates.
  • 20-25 freeships to poor and deserving boys and girls staying in hostels.
  • Personal attention and discipline.
  • Solar system for hot water for girls’ hostels.
  • Independent security system.

Educational Branches of Institution

  • Maharashtra High School and Junior College, Kolhapur.
    Estd : 13th june, 1960
    Phone : (0231) 2626982
    Salient features
    • The only multi-purpose school in Kolhapur District imparting academic, technical, agriculture, higher secondary, five minimum competency vocational courses and computer education.
    • Two three and four storeyed buildings.Independent buildings for technical and vocational courses.
    • Well-equipped laboratories, library with more than 20,000/- books, spacious playground, gymnastic hall and abundant sports materials.
    • Experienced, expert and devoted teachers.
    • Ten merit holders in the S.S.C. Exam.
    • Novodaya Vidyalaya Admission Training Centre.
    • Best results of scholarship, maths and N.T.S . exams.
    • First, Second or third rank in State Football, Handball and Basketball Championships and selection of a number of players at the national level in football, basketball, handball, gymnastics, wrestling, swimming, judo etc.
    • Scholarships to many players by the Sports Authority of India (SAI)
    • Selection of many sports persons for International tournaments.
    • Monetary help to many poor and deserving students under the late Savitribai Phule and Mahatma Phule Student Adoption Schemes.
  • The New College, Kolhapur
    Estd. 1971
    Phone (0231) 2621187
    Salient features
    • Quality College’ affiliated to Shivaji University imparting degree courses in Arts, Commerce, Science, Computer Science and Business Administration.
    • Junior College with Arts, Commerce, Science and Technical faculties and MCVC in Electronics.
    • Competitive Exams training centre, CET training centre.
    • Imposing buildings, Library with more than 20,000 books, study room facility.
    • Experienced and expert teaching staff.
    • A large number of merit holders in University/Board merit lists. Many recipients of various scholarships
    • Glorious achievement in Football, Handball, Athletics and other games. 5 students recipients of State Shiv Chhatrapati Awards.
    • Hundreds of former students rendering invaluable service in various fields.
    • A number of prizes in Shivaji University Youth Festivals.
    • NAAC B+ ***** Accreditation.
    • Career oriented courses granted by UGC.
    • Special attention to personality development.
    • Provision of Campus Interviews
    • Canteen facility
  • Dewale Vidyalaya and Junior College Dewale Tal. Panhala
    Dist. Kolhapur Estd. 1976
    Phone : (02328) 266059
    Salient Features
    • Located at the foot of the historic Panhala fort in the economically backward area.
    • Imposing two-storeyed building, enclosed spacious ground and ample sports materials.
    • Junior College with Arts and Commerce faculties.
    • Merit holders in the H.S.C. exam.
  • New Polytechbnic, Unchgaon Tal. Karveer
    Phone : 2615168, 2615487
    Dist. Kolhapur Estd : 1983
    The following courses are conducted.
    • Diploma in Automobile Engineering 120 Seats
    • Diploma in Construction Technology 60 Seats
    • Diploma in Industrial Electronics ` 60 Seats
    • Diploma in Mechanical Engineering 60 Seats
    • Diploma in Electronics and Telecommunication 60 Seats
    Salient Features
    • Well-equipped laboratories and workshops, spacious and well-furnished class-rooms
    • A number of engineers passed out from this Polytechnic working in various fields.
    • Provision of industrial visits.
    • Vocational guidance
    • Experienced, expert lecturers
    • Spacious playground
    • Canteen facility
    • Provision for testing cement concrete block.
  • College of Architecture, Kolhapur
    Estd : 1984
    Phone: ( 0231) 2620431, 2620914
    One of the most renowned colleges of architecture in India having A grade Salient Features.
    • B.Arch ( 5 years) degree course
    • M.Arch ( 2 years) post- graduation course
    • Spacious lecture halls and studies
    • Library, modern, well-equipped computer lab with 40 computers, audio-visual section with modern equipments, multi-purpose hall.
    • Well-known and experienced architects as lecturers.
    • Presentation of cultural activities in Shivaji University youth festivals and recipient of many prizes, organization of music and cultural programmes.
    • A number of trophies and prizes in NASA competitions.
  • New Prathamik Vidyalaya, Kolhapur
    Estd : 1985
    Phone : (0231) 2628169
    Salient Features
    • Imposing, four storeyed, well-furnished building.
    • Special English and Music teachers.
    • Glorious achievements in School Board Scholarship exams.
    • Successful organization of various competitions, cultural activities and excursions.
    • Excellent remarks at Annual Inspection.
    • Free medical check-up of students
    • Uniforms to poor and deserving students free of charge.
  • Girls’ High School, Kolhapur
    Estd: 1991
    Located at Shantinagar – Unchgoan imparting education to the students coming from poor, nomadic tribes and economically backward communities.
    Phone : 2624105
    Salient Features
    • Imposing building with spacious playground.
    • Computer education free of charge.
    • Personal attention and guidance.
    • Night Study-room facility.
  • Prince Shivaji English Medium School, Kolhapur.
    Estd : 2008
    Phone : 2628169
    Salient features
    • Imposing, four storeyed, well-furnished building
    • Quality education.
    • Personal attention and guidance
    • Experienced teachers
    • Ample sports materials and toys.