1. The student SC/OBC/SBC/VJNT (GOI & Freeship) should fill online application form on website and ST student should fill online application form on website and submit the copy of same with applicable documents in office scholarship section.
  2. It will also be subject to discipline and maintenance of attendance of at least 75% by the Students.
  3. The student should read carefully scholarship notice board and act accordingly. All application forms viz. EBC, Scholarships, Freeship, Caste Validity, etc. must be submitted within a month after admission. Students will be solely responsible for consequences arising due to non-submission of respective forms.
  4. If the fees are not reimbursed by the Government, the students will have to pay the same.
  5. EBC/Teacher/Defence/Ex-servicemen/Freedom Fighter concession is available for only granted courses i.e. standard XI, XII, BA,B.Com & B.Sc.

  1. Declaration of Caste (Freeship)
    • Caste of the student should be included in the Maharashtra Government recognized list of backward classes. These student concessions in tuition fees, other fees and exam fees.
    • For students belonging to OBC/SBC/NT-VJ whose parents and family member’s income last year  annual is Rupees 1 to 4.5 lac and SC/ST total family income above rupees 2 lac. Provided he/she produces sufficient proof.
  2. Economically Backward Classes (EBC)
    • Those having annual income not more than Rs. 1 lac are declared as economically backward. However the students have to apply in the prescribed form to be obtained from the college office together with income certificate signed by Tahsildar and attested true copy of Leaving certificate, Marksheet of the last examination, immediately after he/she is admitted to the college.
  3. Concession to the children of Military/ wives & widows of Defence Personnel /Freedom Fighters / Ex-Servicemen)
    • Student whose father is serving in armed forces or who is retired from Defence Service is eligible for free studentship on production of the eligibility certificate from District Soldiers, Sailors and Air men’s Board concerned.
    • Certificate attested by a government/ authorized/ magistrate officer should be submitted with the application.
    • Children of Freedom Fighters - Minimum 50% marks in the examination passed. For complete and continuous course.
    • The application should carry the signature and stamp of a competent officer of the Sainik Board.
  4. Concession to the children of Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff of Primary / Middle/Secondary / Higher Secondary school / Junior College Teachers
    • This concession is available to those students whose parents are teachers in Primary/ Middle/ High Schools or Junior College in the Maharashtra Government/ Zilla Parishad/ Corporation/ Maharashtra Government Aided and Recognized School/ Colleges (Approval letter of teacher and Institution is grant number and date should be enclosed.
    • This concession is available only to the limit of two children. No concession shall be granted to 3rd and onwards issue, should have the application countersigned by the Education Officer.
    • The Teachers should be in the full time pay scales in the establishment.
  5. Educational Concession to Girl Students
    • Only Girl student those who are not eligible for other Scholarship or concession.
    • Parents should be residents of Maharashtra state from the last 15 years or more. The girl students of XI & XII std. are exempted from payment of Tuition fee, Term fee & Admission fee as per G.R.
  6. Caste Verification - Caste Validity Certificate
    • The student [SC (Scheduled Caste), ST (Scheduled Tribe), NT-VJ (Nomadic Tribes / De-Notified Tribes), OBC (Other Backward Classes), SBC (Special Backward Classes)] should fill online application form on website and submit the copy of same in office scholarship section.
    • The Backward Class students studying in XII Std. and seeking admission, after passing XII Exam, to Medical, Engineering, Pharmacy, Polytechnic, Hotel Management & Catering Technology, Professional courses, etc., against the reserved seats are required to get their caste certificate verified by a competent authority.


S.C., S.T., N.T. students are entitled to this scholarship. Such students should seek admission to this college after their SSC/HSC examination. An affidavit on a stamp of Rs.20/- should be made before the magistrate in case of break in the continuity of education. Students from this category are entitled to full scholarship if the father’s annual income is below Rs.1,00,000/-. They get half the allowance and payment of full fee if the father’s annual income is more than Rs.50,921/- but below Rs.60,965/-. No scholarship is permissible if the father’s annual income is more than Rs.60,966/-. Failure in examination or availing ofsuch scholarship for an equivalent course do not entitle a student to this scholarship. Only two children from the same family can avail of this scholarship. A student who has full-time employment cannot avail of this scholarship. The scholarship is valid from the date of admission to the completion of the annual examination

  1. The application has to be submitted Online before July 31st every year
  2. The application form should be complete in all respects
  3. The application should be supported by caste and income certificate
  4. Declaration of Income should be signed by father,
  5. Attested copy of the School Leaving Certificate should be attached.

List of Merit holders in the SSC and HSC examinations is prepared by the Department. List of the students selected for this scholarship and prescribed application forms are sent to the schools or colleges from which the students have passed. Father’s annual income in such cases is required to be less than Rs.25,000/-. Total annual emoluments of the father are taken into consideration. If the income is above Rs.25,000/-, cash prize worth Rs.100/- and merit certificate are given to the concerned student. A student cannot claim any other scholarships if he opts for this scholarship. The application has to be accompanied by income certificate, mark list of the SSC or HSC examination, a pass-port size photograph etc. Such a student can avail himself of this scholarship till his graduation.

  1. Students who have passed from high schools situated in rural areas and have secured more than 65% marks in the SSC examination can apply for this scholarship. The scholarship is given to students serially higher placed in accordance with their percentage. The total annual income of parents from all sources should be below Rs.12,000/-. The scholarship is awarded only for 11th and 12th classes. It is renewed for the 12th class only on securing minimum 65% marks in the annual examination of 11th standard
  2. Students who have passed their HSC from high schools or Junior colleges in the rural areas can apply for this scholarship. The scholarship is given to students serially higher placed above the minimum required percentage. The total annual income of parents from all sources should be below Rs.12,000/- It is renewed for the succeeding year in the case of science students if they secure minimum 65% marks and in the case of arts and commerce students if they secure minimum of 60% marks in the annual examination. The application in the prescribed form for the same has to be submitted before 15th of August every year and has to be accompanied by the income certificate, original certificate bearing the signature of the Headmaster to the effect that the concerned student has passed his SSC/HSC examination from a rural highschool. A student who is awarded this scholarship is not entitled to any other scholarship.


Students securing more than 60% marks in the SSC/HSC examination can apply for this scholarship. Students who are higher placed percentage-wise above the minimum required only are given this scholarship. Submission of application alone may not help entitle the scholarship. A student who is awarded this scholarship cannot put a claim on any other scholarship. Income limitations are not applicable for this scholarship. Mark lists should be enclosed with the application form.

  1. Government of Maharashtra Open Merit Scholarship
    • Students who have scored 75% marks (or more) in Std. X and seeking admission in Std. XI, and students who have scored 60% marks (or more) in Std. XII and seeking admission in BA/B.Sc./B.Com/B.B.A./B.C.A.,B.C.S. Part I are eligible for this scholarship. This scholarship is open to all, irrespective of caste and income limits. Application forms should reach the college office by August 30, 2014 or within ten days of confirming admission.
  2. Post-Matric Scholarship (GOI)
    • Student should not be getting any other scholarship/ stipend and he should not be employed.
    • Annual income of parents (including of all family members) from all sources for last year should be less than rupees one lac (OBC/SBC/VJNT) & two lac (SC/ST).
    • If the GOI form is rejected by the government office on any ground the students will have to pay full fees to the college.
    • More than two students from the same family cannot avail this scholarship.
    • Scholarship (MA) will directly credit your Nationalized Bank Account.
  3. Chatrapati Shahu Maharaj Merit Scholarship
    • This scholarship is available to SC, VJNT, SBC students who have passed the Std. X exams with 75% marks or more.
    • Forms available and fill-up on website and then submit in college (with documents)
  4. Central Governments Post-Matric Scholarship for Students belonging to the Minority Communities (Muslims, Christian, Sikh, Boudha, Parsi & Jain)
    • Application form available on website and then submit in college (with documents)
    • The student must secure 50% of marks in the previous final examination. Continuation of the scholarship in subsequent years will depend on successful completion of the course during the preceding year. The renewal will depend on promotion to the next class provided the scholar secures 50% or more marks.
    • The annual income of the beneficiary/parent or guardian of beneficiary should not exceed Rs. 2 lakh from all sources.
    • A scholarship holder under this scheme will not avail any other scholarship/stipend for pursuing the course. Scholarship will be awarded only for 2 students in a family.
  5. Central Sector Scholarship Scheme for BA, B.Sc, B.Com,B.B.A.,B.C.A.,B.C.S.Part 1 Students
    The students who have passed the examination (Twelve 10+2). HSC conducted by the Maharashtra State Higher and Secondary Education Board.
    The details information regarding scholarship, specimen of forms, how to apply and eligibility criteria and time and date of the submission of application form by students through college/Institutions/University are available on the web site
    Minimum eligibility criteria and condition:
    • The applicant should be Indian citizen and resident of Maharashtra.
    • The rate of scholarship would be Rs.1000/-p.m. at Graduation level for first three years
    • Should passed minimum 67.69% marks for girls and 65.54 for boys in Higher Secondary Examination. (HSC)
    • Student should not be getting any other scholarship /stipend.
    • Parental Annual Income not be more than 6 lakhs
  6. Scholarship to the students from Non- Hindi speaking States for Post Matric studies in Hindi (passing in Hindi and (Promotion to the next class.) – Tenable only for the stage of course.
  7. Talent Development Scholarship in Maths and Physics (Promotion to the next higher class by securing 60% marks in the chosen subject in Maths or Physics as the case may be.) – 3 years upto B.Sc. Degree.



Orthopaedically disabled students are awarded this scholarship. Students who have secured at least 40% marks in the preceding examination and whose parents’ annual income is below Rs.1,00,000/- can apply for this scholarship The application in the prescribed form should be accompanied by a photograph clearly showing the deformity, income certificate, birthday certificate, mark list of the preceding examination and medical certificate


The Govt. of India offers this scholarship to students from non-Hindi areas studying Hindi. A student securing more than 60% marks in Hindi in the SSC/HSC exam. can apply for this scholarship. The incumbent student who has been given this scholarship has to offer Hindi as the optional subject at 11th, 12th and B.A.Part-I, II, III level and pass in that subject. The incumbent also cannot claim any other scholarship once he opts for Hindi scholarship.


Students who receive this scholarship from 8th Std. have to submit the authoritative proof of the letter number under which the scholarship is sanctioned and also have to submit ‘Change of District’ Certificate if he hails from any other district. The scholarship can be availed upto 11th and 12th.
Scholarships for high percentage wards of primary and secondary school teachers Children of primary and secondary school teacher securing more than 60% marks in the SSC examination can apply for this scholarship. The annual income of the parents should be below Rs.25,000/-. The renewal of the scholarship is related to the progress in studies shown by the student. A student cannot claim any other scholarship after opting for this. The application in prescribed form has to be submitted before 31st of August every year.


Shivaji University Merit Scholarship Students securing highest marks and seeking admission to B.A./B.Com,/B.Sc. Part-I, II and III as regular students are selected for this scholarship by Shivaji University. The duration of this scholarship is for one year only.


The College encourages aspiring and distinguished students by offering following prizes through donors.

  1. Late D.T.Dinde Prize : For female student securing first position in the HSC exam.
  2. Late Savitribai Haribhau : For a male and female student of this college Rabade Prize securing first position in the HSC Exam.
  3. Late Arun Satappa Pandit : For a female student securing first position at Prize B.Com.III Examination.
  4. Late Aruna Vasantrao Mane : For a student securing first position in the Prize college at B.Com.III Examination.
  5. Late Laxmibai Narayanrao : For a student securing first position in the Nikam Prize college at B.A.III Examination.
  6. Late Prof.Dr.S.S.Patil Prize : For a student securing highest marks in Chemistry at HSC Examination and for a student securing highest mars in the college in Chemistry at B.Sc.III
  7. Late Shrimati Laxmibai : For a female student securing highest marks Krishnarao Kadam in the college in Hindi at B.A.III examination. Memorial Prize
  8. Late Shrimati Laxmibai : For a male student securing highest marks in Krishnarao Kadam Language in the college at B.A.III Memorial Prize Examination.
  9. Param Pujya Eknathdada : For a student securing highest marks in the Hari Gosavi Memorial college in History at B.A.III Examination. Prize.



  1. Students whose parents/guardians’ annual income is not more than Rs.15,000/- can avail themselves of this scheme.
  2. Prescribed forms for this concession are available in the college office. Forms for admission should be accompanied by concession forms along with income certificate.
  3. The income certificate in the prescribed form should be for the financial year (April 1 to March 31) preceding the date of application.
  4. EBC concession forms submitted by students from rural areas have also to be accompanied by income certificate in the prescribed form signed by
    1. Sarpanch
    2. Gazetted officer of the State Government
    3. Special Executive Officer
    4. MLA/MP
  5. Students from urban areas have to submit income certificate signed by any one of these
    1. Mayor/President of a municipality
    2. A Gazetted Officer of the State Govt.
    3. Special Executive Officer
    4. MLA/MP
  6. Both father and mother or any one of them living is supposed to be responsible for the maintenance of the child. Other relations are not held responsible for the maintenance of the child. If both the parents are dead, the student has to obtain certificate to that effect from the Gram Panchayat/Municipality/Corporation and submit it to the office.
  7. EBC is granted only to the students learning in Govt. recognized institutes provided their parents/guardians are permanent domiciles of the State of Maharashtra.
  8. Confirmation of EBC concession depends on :
    1. Regular class room attendance
    2. Satisfactory progress in studies
    3. Good conduct.
    The Principal has the authority to discontinue or withdraw this concession in the event of violation of any one of these conditions.

Concessions in fees to the children of primary teachers/the non-teaching staff
Concessions in fees are given to the children of teachers and the non-teaching staff working in

  1. Govt.Schools
  2. Schools run by Zilla Parishads, Municipalities or Corporations
  3. Govt. recognized schools without taking into consideration their income


  1. The student should be a resident of Maharashtra State
  2. He should have passed the preceding annual examination.


  1. Parents should apply for this concession while seeking admission to the college
  2. The application should be enclosed with the prescribed service certificate.

Concessions in fees to the children of teachers/non-teaching staff working in secondary schools or Higher secondary schools

  1. The student should be a resident of the State of Maharashtra
  2. He should have passed the preceding annual examination. Procedure : Application in the prescribed form for this concession and a certificate in the prescribed form under the signature of the Headmaster where his parents are working.

Concessions to children of employees working in Government offices and in Local bodies.
Children of such employees whose total basic pay of the preceding financial year is below Rs.15,000/- are entitled to this concession. Students failing in the annual examination are not entitled to this concession.

  1. Application for this concession should be submitted along with the application for admission.
  2. Application form for EBC has to be submitted.
  3. The application should enclose one copy of income certificate which is different from the EBC income certificate form.

Concessions to children of Servicemen and Ex-Servicemen
Children of fathers currently working in or previously working in armed forces are entitled to this concession. Procedure

  1. Application for concession should be submitted along with application for admission.
  2. Prescribed application form containing all details should be submitted in duplicate.
  3. Declaration form should be presented.
  4. Certificate issued by the Collector of Kolhapur and the Chairman/President, District Soldier Board, Kolhapur, should be attached.


  1. B.C.Scholarship
    Fresh applications for this scholarship are necessary at 11th, Part-I, II, III level of the senior college. The applications should enclose mark list and a certificate for being inmate of a hostel, if any, and also caste and income certificate. These applications have to be submitted before 31st of July every year.
  2. Other Scholarships
    Any scholarship has to be renewed annually if it is sanctioned. The renewal is subject to the passing of the student in the annual examination. The application for renewal must be enclosed with the mark list and its attested copy. Students from other colleges seeking admission in this college should submit their progress report from the previous college. Scholarship holder should note that the renewal of any scholarship is subject to regular attendance, satisfactory progress in studies and his conduct in the premises of the college. If the attendance is less than 75%, the scholarship can be withdrawn and the holder has to pay regular fees for the term concerned. Any changes made by the Government or the University in the rules for the scholarships are displayed on the notice board as soon as they are received from the concerned authorities. Students are advised to read these circulars as and when displayed by the College.