Main Building

The New College, consist of 05 big buildings, is situated in heart of the city with necessary infrastructure for the departments of all the faculties.A proper care is taken to provide basic amenities for the students & the staff members. The facilities are as follows….

  • Classroom : 38 spacious classrooms with necessary furniture & blackboards in 3 buildings of the college.
  • Library : The library of the college is big three stored independent building with more than 80 thousand books & 02 study rooms.
  • Laboratory : 12 spacious laboratories with Computers with Battery backup, Printer, Scanner, LCD projectors & equipments & furniture etc. In the departments of Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, Statistics, Mathematics, Electronics, Psychology, Geography, B.C.S., B.B.A., & B.C.A
  • Administrative Office : The spacious lan computerized administrative office with modern technology & with necessary facilities.
  • Toilet : 08 Toilets for gents & 04 toilets for ladies. One separate toilet for otherwise able students & staff.

swimming pool
Conference Hall

Independent conference hall with necessary facilities for different activities of the departments.            

Study Room

In the library building one study room for girls students & one study room for boys students. Both the study rooms are spacious & necessary furniture & facilities, drinking water, toilet etc.

Computer Lab

04 Computer labs with modern technology in spacious hall with air conditioner.

  • lab with capacity of 50 students.
  • labs with capacity of 25 students


One canteen in the campus providing tea & snacks.



Boys & Girls’ hostel with facility of Solar system, rooms with beds, canteen, T.V., Study Room with news papers. Capacity of 160 girls & 100 boys boy’s students.

Botanical Garden

As the college has Botany dept.., we have developed a garden of trees & plants necessary the study.