About Us

Establishment: June 1971
Department of English is one of the dynamic departments of The New College, Kolhapur. The department started its journey in the year 1971 under the dynamic leadership of  Hon. R. K. Kanabarkar, the first Head and the first Principal of The New College, Kolhapur,. Prin. Kanabarkar was a scholar of English literature and an excellent administrator who later on became the Vice-Chancellor of Shivaji University, Kolhapur. Since its inception the department has been arranging various activities for the development of the personality and knowledge of the students.
The legacy of dedicated teaching and organization of various activities that was started by the first Head is continued with the same zeal and enthusiasm. The average result of the department in university examinations is around 100%. The department is catering to the needs of the students to acquire the skills of English language and understanding of English literature. The department has a tradition of experienced and dedicated faculty members and the legacy of meritorious students. Many of these students have created their own place in fields like academics, literature, judiciary and general administration.
  The department feels pride to note that the recipient of Sahitya Akademi Award and former IAS Shri. Vishwas Patil is an esteemed alumnus of the department.

Vision, Mission, and Core Values


To create awareness about the significance of English language and English literature among the students and to help them build their career and be a responsible citizen of the nation.


• To create awareness among the students about the significance of English language and literature and dedicate ourselves for the same.
• To conduct curricular, co-curricular and social extension activities to achieve the mission involving students and teachers alike.

Core Values

1. To encourage students to engage with literary texts that represent wide range of perspectives and diversity to develop a habit of critical thinking of the students and to make them intellectually engaged.
2. To help the students to develop a habit of life-long appreciation of reading and communicating that continues beyond their time in the department.
3. To make students develop a habit of sophisticated writing and critical thinking skills not only in the academics but also in their life in general.
4. To encourage the students to explore identity, values, manners and morals through the study of English literature
5. To help them inculcate core human values in themselves and spread these values to the society at large.



Research Thrust Areas

  • Plant Taxonomy and Systematics
  • Mycology and Plant Pathology
  • Plant Physiology
  • Plant Ecology

Research Projects Ongoing and Completed:

Sr. No. Name of the Project Investigator Title of the Project Funding Agency Duration (Yrs) Amount Sanctions (INR)
{{$index+1}} {{x.StaffName}} {{x.Title}} {{x.Fund}} {{x.Duration}} {{x.Amt}}

Seminars / Conferences / Workshops

Sr. No Title Coordinator Duration Funding Agency
1 Journey of Drama: From Text to Performance Dr. R. D Dhamakale 2023-24 Shivaji University, Kolhapur
2. Modern Trends In Communication Dr. R. D Dhamakale 2021-22 (Online Mode) Shivaji University, Kolhapur
3. Art of Translation Dr. R. D Dhamakale 2018-19 Shivaji University, Kolhapur

Our Alumni

The department is proud to carry the legacy of esteemed Alumni who have achieved remarkable success in different fields like Civil services, Administration, Art and Media, Judiciary, Banking and Academics. The department has produced a Sahitya Akademi winner Marathi Novelist, significant number of Civil Servants including IAS and other kinds as well as a series of academicians as Principals and teachers alike.

List of Prominent Alumni

Best Practices

  1. English week Celebrations
  2. Audio-visual sessions
  3. Event Management Training
  4. Peer Teaching

MOU / Linkage

Theatre academy Parivartan Kala Foundation, Kolhapur (Since-2021-22)

Contact Us


Head : Dr. R. D. Damakale

Department of English
The New College, Kolhapur ,


Faculty: Achievements and awards

Sr. No. Name of the Faculty Achievement /Award Year
1 Dr. N.V. Nalawade (Former) Principal, The New College, Kolhapur 2013-2018
(Former) Chairman, Shivaji University English Teachers’ Association (SUETA) 2010-2020
Chairman, Board of Linguistics, Shivaji University, Kolhapur. 2013-2020
2 Dr. R.D. Dhamakale Member, Management Council, Shivaji University, Kolhapur. 2023-27
Member, Senate, Shivaji University. Kolhapur  
(Former) President and Secretary of Shivaji University Teachers’ Association (SUTA), (Kolhapur Dist.) 2012-2016 2008-2012
Member, Executive Council, Maharashtra Federation of College and University Teachers’ Organization (MFUCTO) 2012-2016
3 Dr. A.J. Pawar Best Paper Presentation Award at International Conference, Jalgaon at the hands of Sahitya Akademi Award Winner Dr. Bhalchandra Nemade. Sept 2015
Best Paper Award at 2nd AINET International Conference, Nagpur  Jan 2015
4 Ms. A. M. Powar Recipient of Adarsh Vidya Saraswati Rastriya Puraskar (2021) nominated by Glacier Journal Research Foundation, Ahmedabad 2021

List of Meritorious Students

Sr. No. Name of the Student Details Year
1 Ms. Pradeepti Lad Recipient of Shityaratna Annabhau Sathe Purskar given by Shahu Shikshan Sanstha for securing highest marks in English as SC candidate (B. A. Examination, Shivaji University, Kolhapur)
2 Ms. Aishwarya Kamble Recipient of Shityaratna Annabhau Sathe Purskar by Shahu Shikshan Sanstha, Pandharpur  for securing highest marks as SC candidate in English (B.A. Examination, Shivaji University, Kolhapur). 2021-22
Recipient of Late Sou. Srimanti Namdev Kadam Smruti Paritoshik  for securing highest marks as SC candidate in English (B. A. Examination, Shivaji University, Kolhapur). 2021-22
3 Mr. Arpit Joshi Documentary selected for Jaipur Film Festival
4  Ms. Mrunal Mohite  Stood first in University Merit List M. A. 2019
Recipient of UGC JRF 2020
5 Mr. Abhishek Dadasaheb Shriram Recipient of ‘President of India Gold Medal for General proficiency’ from Shivaji University, Kolhapur  2019-2020
Member of Students’ Council, Shivaji University, Kolhapur   2017-18
General Secretary, The New College, Kolhapur   2017-18
6  Ms. Sharvari Thakur Stood first at M.A. in Shivaji University Merit list.
Received Second prize at District level & 1st prize at University level (Shivaji University, Kolhapur) for ‘Avishkar’ Research Competition.
2015-16 2012-13
7 Ms. .Rajashree Joshi Received Second prize at District level in Avishkar Research Compitition, Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
1st prize at University level for ‘Avishkar’ Research Competition, Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
2012-13   2012-13
8 Ms. Neha Vatharkar Received ‘Shahid Vijay Salaskar Award’ as NSS volunteer 2012-13
9 Ms. Prajakta Gulavani Stood first at B.A. in Shivaji University Merit list 2005-06
10 Ms. Monika Ghule Stood 1st at B.A. III in Shivaji University, Kolhapur. 2004-05
11 Mr. Sanjay Jagtap Stood first at B.A. in Shivaji University Merit list. 2002-03
12 Ms. Ashadevi Patil Stood first at B.A. in Shivaji University Merit list. 1988-89
13 Mr. Jakappa Patil Stood first at B.A. in Shivaji University Merit list. 1978-79
14 Mr. K. S. Diwate Stood first at B.A. in Shivaji University Merit list 1974-75

List of NET Qualifying Students

Sr. No. Name of the Student Year of passing NET Year of passing UG/PG
1 Abhishek Dadasaheb Shriram 2022 2018
2 Hariprasad Ashok Phalake 2022 2012
3 Mrunal Rajvivek Mohite 2020 2017
4 Irshad Baburao Vadgaonkar 2018 2014

List of SET Qualifying Students

Sr. No. Name of the Student Year of passing SET Year of passing UG/PG
1 Swapngandha M. Majgaonkar 2023 2018
2 Gautami Mharule 2023 2017
3  Hariprasad Phalake 2023 2012
4 Ms. Vinaya Marathe 2023 2016
5 Nitin Bajirao Lakade 2021 2014
6 Abhishek Dadasaheb Shriram 2021 2018
7 Mrunal Rajvivek Mohite 2019 2017
8 Vinayak Dnyandeo Khot 2018 2014
9 Irshad Baburao Vadgaonkar 2017 2014

List of Students Qualifying Competitive Exams

Sr. No. Alumni name Service
1 Shri. Subarao Patil IAS
2 Shri. Vishwas Patil IAS
3 Shri. Sanjay Shinde Sub-Divisional Officer
4 Shri. Dhanaji Toraskar Dy. Collector
5 Smt. Arpana Dapake (Siddhi Sankpal) Asst. Commissioner, Sale Tax
6 Shri. Sameer Mujawar PI, CID
7 Smt. Ashwini Bachulkar District Judge
8 Smt. Tejaswini Patil Asst. Commissioner, Sale Tax
9 Smt. Shweta Mujawar Bank Officer. BOI
10 Ms. Vinaya Marathe PSI
11 Mr. Sainath Mahekar Forest Guard



• English Day
• Welcome of 1st Year Students
• Organization of Workshops
• Seminars
• Farewell Function
• Remedial Coaching
• Essay
• Elocution
• Spelling Quiz
• Group Discussion
• Wallpaper

Academic Activities
• A Short Course in Spoken English
• Diagnostic Tests for Slow and Advanced Learners
• Remedial Coaching
• Handwriting Practice/Competition
• Essay Practice/Competition
• Elocution Competition
• Spelling Improvement/Quiz
• Group Discussion
• Wallpaper Presentation
• Interview Preparation
• Workshops
• Seminars
• Guest Lectures
• Language Lab ( Audio-Visual)
• Movie Screening
• Career Counselling Session
• Coaching for differently abled students 
• English Day Celebration
Extra-Curricular Activities
• Social Extension Activity
• Event Management Training
• Teacher’s Day Celebrations
• Welcome and Farewell Function
• Excursions
• Birthday Celebrations
• New Year Celebrations
• Friendship Day Celebrations
• Environment Awareness -Tree Plantation

Department Faculty

Sr. No. Name of the Faculty Designation Qualification Resume

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{{df.Desig}} {{df.Qual}} View Resume