About Us

The department of Geography is established in 1974, serving as one of the most valuable departments of the college having rich historical background in terms of meritorious students and highly qualified and experienced faculty members. The department is offering special UG level Geography course in order to produce the competent and responsible students toward environ and society.
The department provides stimulating teaching /learning environ, endowed with traditional and modern geographical instruments, where students are exploring varied dimensions of geospatial science through acquiring the advanced geospatial technologies in view of striving to obtain global competency. The department is always maintaining healthy environment and profoundly active on organizing provoking activities viz. Field visits, Study tour, Geography Day etc. Alumnae of the department are excelled in different government and non-government sectors serving as expert in GIS industries, academicians in education sector and officers in different government offices.   
Since its inception, the department has been engaged in conducting interdisciplinary as well as cross disciplinary research in different thrust areas of geospatial science viz. soil and water resources conservation, Assessment of Biodiversity of fresh water, Poverty eradication accompanied with Well-being of society and rural development etc

Vision, Mission, and Core Values


To generate progressive academic, scientific and socio-cultural environment for the students in order to excel them to be a globally competent and conscientious civilian.


To impart a higher education through creating multidimensional perspective of geospatial awareness among the students for national and global competency.

Core Values

1. To acquaint the students with fundamental principles of Geography in order to make them more creative and research oriented.

2. To support and accelerate the students to explore the advanced geospatial technologies through theory and practical as learning methods.

3. To prepare and enhance the ability of the students to acquire further higher education in the varied fields of Geography.

4. To impart the geographical education to raise the standard of students to global levels and make them employable.



Research Thrust Areas

  • Watershed Modeling
  • Poverty & Food Insecurity
  • Rural Development

Research Projects Ongoing and Completed:

Sr. No. Name of the Project Investigator Title of the Project Funding Agency Duration (Yrs) Amount Sanctions (INR)
{{$index+1}} {{x.StaffName}} {{x.Title}} {{x.Fund}} {{x.Duration}} {{x.Amt}}

Seminars / Conferences / Workshops

Sr. No Title Coordinator Duration Funding Agency
1 One Day ‘Green Club Faculty Coordinator Training Programme’ Dr. T.G. Nagaraja 12-08-2023 Shivaji University, Kolhapur
2. One Day International E-Conference on ‘Climate Change & Water Resource’ Dr. V. S. Pawar-Patil 21-03-2022  The New College, Kolhapur
3. Scientific Outlook & Ground water Resource Literacy of Maharashtra Dr. R. B. Bhaskar 01-07-2021  The New College, Kolhapur
4 Lead College Workshop on ‘Importance of Heritage Monuments in Kolhapur District for Tourism’ Dr. R. B. Bhaskar 28-01, 2020  Shivaji University, Kolhapur

Our Alumni

Geography department has mighty alumnae tradition and alumnae of this department have been excelled in diverse career routes where they have been contributing in the nation building. The department has a genuine as well as strong bonding with the alumnae through organizing alumni gatherings, lectures of the alumni for the current students etc.

List of Prominent Alumni

Best Practices

A. Study Tour: Department of Geography organizes study tour at different places of interest within our country, as Geography is a spatial science and without having practical exposure to the varied environmental and socio-economic conditions to the students, it would be really difficult to embarrass the reality and spatial characteristics of any region.


  1. To have insight into the physiographical-socio-cultural and economic reality of varied places within our country.
  2. To make aware the students regarding the report writing skill based on excursion made by them.

B. Celebration of Geography Day:

Celebration of Geography Day by organizing invited lectures, Poster Presentation Competition, Quiz Competition is the age long tradition of this department. Through this unique activity students are getting advantage of stage daring, enthusiastic involvement in the organizations of the different functions etc.


The Department of Geography has active MOU with the Department of Geography, Rajarshi Chaa. Shahu College, Kolhapur since last five years. We have been collaboratively engaged in organizing varied programs in order to enhance the student’s strength, ability and perception towards environment and society e.g. Celebration of Geography Day, Poster Presentation Competition, Celebration of population Day as well as Ozone Day etc. We used to practice the inter college faculty exchange programs to exchange the insights of the experts.

Contact Us


Head : Dr. R. B. Bhaskar

Department of Geography
The New College, Kolhapur ,


Faculty: Achievements and awards

Sr. No. Name of the Faculty Achievement /Award Awarding Authority Year
1 Mr. P. A. Powar Best Teacher Award Press Media Live News, Pune, Maharashtra 2023

List of Meritorious Students

Sr. No. Name of the Student Details Year
1 Smt. Dhanashri Melshingare 2nd rank in Arts Faculty, SUK 2017
2 Smt. Gauri Joshi Secured Gold Medal in Humanities, SUK. 2006
3 Smt. Rajkunwar Pawar 3rd rank in Arts Faculty, SUK 2005
4 Shri. Vijay Kasbekar 3rd rank in Arts Faculty, SUK 2005
5 Dr. Rupa Ingale Secured Gold Medal in Humanities, SUK. 1999

List of Ph. D. Awarded Students

Sr. No. Name of the Student Year of Ph. D. Award
1 Dr. S. A. Patil 2023
2 Dr. Sneha P. Kushire 2023
3 Dr. Dhiraj V. Patil 2022
4 Dr. R. S. Patil 2018
5 Dr. Nisha Mugade 2018

List of NET Qualifying Students

Sr. No. Name of the Student Year of passing NET Year of passing UG/PG
1 Shri. Rakesh Kamble 2023-2024 2016-2017

List of SET Qualifying Students

Sr. No. Name of the Student Year of passing SET Year of passing UG/PG
1 Smt.Vaishnavi Patil 2024-25 2023-24
2 Smt. Beenarani Borge 2024-25 2023-24
3 Shri. Rakesh Kamble 2024-25 2021-22
4 Shri. Dheeraj Patil 2020-21 2017-18
5 Shri. Sandip Patil 2016-17 2012-13

List of Students Qualifying Competitive Exams

Sr. No. Alumni name Year Service
1 Smt. Namita Kamble 2023 Forester
2 Shri. Ratnadip Salokhe 2010 Asst. Police Inspector
3 Shri. Sushant A. Bhaskar 2017 STI
4 Shri. Vinayak Devkar 2015 Police Inspector
5 Shri. Sagar Patil 2012 Police Inspector
6 Smt. Padmaja Chavan 2005 Assist. Commissioner of Police
7 Smt. Rajkunwar Pawar 2004 Assist. in Maharashtra Assembly
8 Shri. Suresh Khatavkar 1995 Sr. Post Master



• Department organizes welcome function for B.A. Part -I student.
• We have been engaged in organizing “World Population Day” in the month of July.
• Department organizes " Varsha Vihar (Tour) " in the season of monsoon.
• Department has been celebrating “Geography Day in the month of January.
• Department organizes study tour during November and December.
• Our students are conducting surveys on social and environmental issues.
• Department organizes farewell function for B.A. Part -III students.

Department Faculty

Sr. No. Name of the Faculty Designation Qualification Resume

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