About Us

Establishment : 1971

Vision, Mission, and Core Values


To create interest in Marathi Literature, Art and Culture.


To make skill oriented, self- confident and proactive student and to introduce history of Marathi literature and its streams as well as to inspire creative writing of literature.

Core Values

•  To Develop Gender Equality & Human Values 
•  To Develop Soc-Eco Humanity Culture & Environmental Awareness Professional Ethics
•  To Create Scientific & Modern Positive Attitude
•  To Guidance Career Opportunity Skill Develop 



Research Thrust Areas

  • Plant Taxonomy and Systematics
  • Mycology and Plant Pathology
  • Plant Physiology
  • Plant Ecology

Research Projects Ongoing and Completed:

Sr. No. Name of the Project Investigator Title of the Project Funding Agency Duration (Yrs) Amount Sanctions (INR)
{{$index+1}} {{x.StaffName}} {{x.Title}} {{x.Fund}} {{x.Duration}} {{x.Amt}}

Seminars / Conferences / Workshops

Sr. No Title Coordinator Duration Funding Agency
1 Prof.G.R.Patil Two Day National Conferences 25th & 26th Feb,2022 Shivaji University, Kolhapur
2. Prof.G.R.Patil One Day Workshops 2018 Shivaji University, Kolhapur

Our Alumni

List of Prominent Alumni

Best Practices

  • Marathi Bhashya Pandhrawada 1st Jan to 15th January
  • Celebration of Marathi Raj bhashya Din; 27 Feb
  • Rasksha Bhandhan VS Vrusha bhandhan
  • Save The Tree Environment Awareness
  • Work Is Worship : Shramdan Swachta
  • Parents Meet
  • Teachers Day, 5th Sept.
  • Celebrating Student B’day
  • Inauguration to ‘Ksitij’ Wall Paper
  • Inviting Guest Lecturers

MOU / Linkage

Shivaji University Marathi Teacher Association SIVIM Kolhapur.

  1. Organized Two Day National Conference Organized in 25th & 26th Feb.2022

Night College, Kolhapur

  1. Organized Guest Lectures
  2. Organized Online Quiz
  3. Poet Meet

Contact Us


Head : Prof. G.R.Patil

Department of Marathi
The New College, Kolhapur ,


Faculty: Achievements and awards

Sr. No. Name of the Faculty Achievement /Award Awarding Authority Year
1.   Prof.G.R.Patil   Best Divang Municipal Corporation Kolhapur 2017
Best Presiding Officer District  Election
  Best D.O Earn & Lear Scheme Shivaji Uni. Kolhapur  1998
2 Dr. M. A. Naykawadi Gan Kokila Punyshlok Ahilyadevi Mahila Mandal Kolhapur   2001
Gan Samradni Housabai Krisnrao Powar Trust Kolhapur 2002

List of Meritorious Students

Sr. No. Name of the Student Details Year
1 Bhakti Vidydar Naike First In Marathi Shivaji University Kop. 2021
2 Susmita Khutale First In Marathi Shivaji University Kop. 2015
3 Asmita Lavekar First In Marathi Shivaji University Kop 2008
4 Vaijantimala Jadhav First In Marathi Shivaji University Kop 2007

List of Ph. D. Awarded Students

Sr. No. Name of the Student Name of the Guide Year of Ph. D. Award
1. Dr. Susmita Khutale Dr. Randhir Shinde 2023
2. Dr. Vaijanti Jadhav Dr. V.K.Shinde 2018
3. Dr. Geeta Gaves Dr. Rajan Gavas 2000
4. Dr. Gopal Gawade Dr. Ravindra Thakur 2009
5. Dr. Shivkumar Sonalkar Dr. Prakash Kumbhar 2008
6. Dr. Vilas Kale    

List of NET Qualifying Students

Sr. No. Name of the Student Year of passing NET Year of passing UG/PG
1. Bhakti  Naike  2023 2020
2. Anil Chavan  2023 2013
3. Susmita Khutale  2018 2014
4. Kavita Kamble  2016 2004
4. Sarika Kamble 2018 2004
5 Asmita Lavekar 2017 2007
6. Vaijantimala Jadhav 2006 2004
7 Geeta Gavas 2007 2004

List of SET Qualifying Students

Sr. No. Name of the Student Year of passing SET Year of passing UG/PG
1. Sagar Kamble 2024 2013
2. Bhakti  Vidydar Naike 2023 2020
3. Susmita Khutale 2018 2014
4. Sarika Kamble 2018 2004
5. Vaijantimala Jadhav 2006 2004
6. Geeta Gavas 2007 2004

List of Students Qualifying Competitive Exams

Sr. No. Alumni name Year of passing Exam Name Year of passing UG/PG
1. Asmita Khutale 2024 Deputy Editor 2014
2. Akash Powar 2019 Sales Tax Assistant 2010
3. Vidhya Desai 2010 Clerk 2009
4. Tushar Waghre 2009 Sales Tax Inspector 2008



1  Marathi Bhasha  Pandharwada
2  Marathi Bhasha Din
3  Welcome function
4  Teacher Day
5  Poet Meet
6  Kshitij Wall Paper
7  Group Discussion
8  Seminars, Oral
9  Project Writing
10  Competition like Essay, Elocution, Quiz, Singing,Storyteller,
11  Study Visit
12    Study Tour

Department Faculty

Sr. No. Name of the Faculty Designation Qualification Resume

{{df.SatName}} {{df.StaffName}}
{{df.Desig}} {{df.Qual}} View Resume