About Us

Department of Sociology established in 1971 under the headship of Dr. R. B. Jadhav who is well-known intellectual personality. Department has 1257 reference books and more than 500 textbooks available in the central library. Departmental enrollment is always high and department has a great tradition of result. Department organizes various activities for students’ overall development.

Vision, Mission, and Core Values


To develop students through value based quality education with commitment to their ethical and multidimensional development which will contribute towards their educational, social and economical well being.


To inculcate goals and values stated in the constitution of India among the students for upholding values such as democracy, equality, social justice and inclusiveness required for just and human society through sociological knowledge. 

Core Values

• Academic Excellence
• Professional Integrity
• Team Work
• Innovative Practices
• Equality
• Creativity
• Community Service



Research Thrust Areas

Research Projects Ongoing and Completed:

Sr. No. Name of the Project Investigator Title of the Project Funding Agency Duration (Yrs) Amount Sanctions (INR)
{{$index+1}} {{x.StaffName}} {{x.Title}} {{x.Fund}} {{x.Duration}} {{x.Amt}}

Seminars / Conferences / Workshops

Sr. No Title Coordinator Duration Funding Agency
1 Research Methodology (College Level) 1) Pro. (Dr.) Archana R. Kamble (Jagatkar)
2) Mr. A. A. Ghodake
2024-25 Depart. of Sociology (NCK) & Depart. of Economics (NCK), Kolhapur
2. Waste Pickers Women Health (University Level) 1) Pro. (Dr.) Archana R. Kamble (Jagatkar)
2) Mr. A. A. Ghodake
2023-24  Depart. of Sociology (SUK) & Depart. of Sociology, (NCK), Kop
3. कचरावेचक महिला हक्क परिषद (State Level) 1) Pro. (Dr.) Archana R. Kamble (Jagatkar)
2) Mr. A. A. Ghodake
2023-24 Department of Sociology, (NCK), Kolhapur
4. Educational Problems of Orphan Children (Workshop) 1) Pro. (Dr.) Archana R. Kamble (Jagatkar)
2) Mr. A. A. Ghodake
2022-23  Department of Sociology, (NCK), Avani NGO, Kolhapur
5. Leadership Development and Capacity Building (College Level) 1) Pro. (Dr.) Archana R. Kamble (Jagatkar)
2) Mr. A. A. Ghodake
2022-23 Department of Sociology, (NCK), Samyak Vidrohi Foundation, Kolhapur
6. International Conference on ‘Rajarshi Shahu Chhatrapati: Perspective, Contribution and Contemporary Relevance (International) 1) Pro. (Dr.) Archana R. Kamble (Jagatkar)
2) Mr. A. A. Ghodake
2022-23 The New College, Kolhapur
7. Gender Equality (College Level) 1) Pro. (Dr.) Archana R. Kamble (Jagatkar)
2) Mr. A. A. Ghodake
2020-21 Department of Sociology & Vivekvahini (NCK), Kolhapur
8. Impact of Social Media on College Students (Lead College Workshop) 1) Pro. (Dr.) Archana R. Kamble (Jagatkar)
2) Mr. A. A. Ghodake
2020-21 Lead College, DRK College (Cluster), Kop.
9. Third Gender: Problems and Prospects (National Webinar) 1) Pro. (Dr.) Archana R. Kamble (Jagatkar)
2) Mr. A. A. Ghodake
2020-21 The New College, Kolhapur
10. Third Gender: Problems and Prospects (Lead College Workshop) 1) Pro. (Dr.) Archana R. Kamble (Jagatkar)
2) Mr. A. A. Ghodake
2020-21 The New College, Kolhapur
11. Marginal Communities in India: Problems and Solutions (National) 1) Pro. (Dr.) Archana R. Kamble (Jagatkar)
2) Mr. A. A. Ghodake
2016-17 ICSSR, New Delhi
12. Social Movements in India: Contribution and Challenges 1) Pro. (Dr.) Archana R. Kamble (Jagatkar)
2) Mr. A. A. Ghodake
2015-16 शिवाजी विद्यापीठ समाजशास्त्र परिषद

Our Alumni

List of Prominent Alumni

1. Dr. P. M. Mane, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
2. Dr. Sushama A. Jadhav, Head, Department of Sociology, Devchand College, Nipani.
3. Dr. Avinash Vardhan, Head, Department of Sociology, Ajara College, Ajara
4. Mr. Sudhakar Vasudev, Welfare officer, Maha Geneco, Parali.
5. Dr. Depali Samant, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Sadavishrao Mandlik College, Murgud
6. Mr. Vijay Maruti Jadhav, SDM, Corporate Agency, HDFC Life, Baroda, Gujarat

Best Practices

  1. Celebrate ‘Vachan Prerana Din’ and distribute ‘Sadhana Diwali Ank’ among college students every year to create reading awareness.
  2. Poster presentation on Social Issues on the Birth Anniversary of Savitrimai Phule
  3. Mobile Library – Conduct various activity for ‘Rajendranagar Slum Area’ students, like drawing Competition, Elocution Competition, Story Telling etc.
  4. Organizes NGO visits like Ekati, Avani, Balsankul to create awareness about various social problems among departmental students.
  5. Department students have been participating and getting Awards in Avishkar Research Competition organized by DSW Department, Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

MOU / Linkage

  • Avani NGO
  • Department of Sociology, Ajara Mahavidyalay, Ajara
  • Department of Sociology, Deshbhakt Anandrao Balvantrao Naik College, Chikali

Contact Us


Head : Pro (Dr.) Archana Rajkumar Kamble (Jagatkar)

Department of Sociology
The New College, Kolhapur
Contact : 7350902307

Assistant Professor : Mr. A. A. Ghodake

Department of Sociology
The New College, Kolhapur
Contact : 9860229997


Faculty: Achievements and awards

Sr. No. Name of the Faculty Achievement /Award Awarding Authority Year
1. Prof. (Dr.) Archana R. Kamble (Jagatkar) Ideal Teacher Award Kruti Foundation, Kolhapur 2024-25
2. 1) Prof. (Dr.) Archana R. Kamble (Jagatkar)
2) Mr. A. A. Ghodake
Best research Paper The New College, Kolhapur 2023-24
3. Prof. (Dr.) Archana R. Kamble (Jagatkar) Best Teacher Award Marathi Samajshastra Parishad 2022-23
4. Prof. (Dr.) Archana R. Kamble (Jagatkar) Savitrimai Phule Puraskar Swami Vivekanand Foundation 2022-23
5. 1) Prof. (Dr.) Archana R. Kamble (Jagatkar)
2) Mr. A. A. Ghodake
Best Department in Triple ‘A’ Audit The New College, Kolhapur 2022-23
6. 1) Prof. (Dr.) Archana R. Kamble (Jagatkar)
2) Mr. A. A. Ghodake
Best Department in Triple A Audit The New College, Kolhapur 2021-22
7. Prof. (Dr.) Archana R. Kamble (Jagatkar) Best Teacher Award Late Devidas Jamadade Vicharmanch, Latur 2020-21
8. Prof. (Dr.) Archana R. Kamble (Jagatkar) Beti Bachav Beti Padhav Best Performing College- Best Co-Ordinator Shivaji University, Kolhapur 2019-20
9. Prof. (Dr.) Archana R. Kamble (Jagatkar) Fatima Shaikh Best Teacher Award University Student Association 2016-17
10. Prof. (Dr.) Archana R. Kamble (Jagatkar) Best Assistant Professor Pearl Foundation Madurai 2016-17
11. Prof. (Dr.) Archana R. Kamble (Jagatkar) Bhimkranti Puraskar Dige Foundation, Kolhapur 2016-17
12. Prof. (Dr.) Archana R. Kamble (Jagatkar) Kartrutv Puraskar Lokjanshakti Parti 2016-17

List of Meritorious Students

Sr. No. Name of the Student Details Year
1. Mr. Vaidhav Mulik Shivaji University Merit List 2022-23
2. Mrs. Akshata Uday Mendugale Shivaji University Merit List 2022-23
3. Mrs. Vidula Vidya Shivaji University Merit List 1991-92
4. Mrs. Shraddha Patil Shivaji University Merit List 1985-86

List of Ph. D. Awarded Students

Sr. No. Name of the Student Name of the Guide Year of Ph. D. Award
1. Dr. Sandip K. Patil Pro. (Dr.) Archana R. Kamble 2022-23
2. Dr. Archana S. Shivadas Pro. (Dr.) Archana R. Kamble 2022-23
3. Dr. Dipali T. Samant Pro. (Dr.) Archana R. Kamble 2022-23
4. Dr. Reena R. Kamble Pro. (Dr.) Archana R. Kamble 2020-21
5. Dr. Akshata Amit Gavade Pro. (Dr.) Archana R. Kamble(Jagatkar) 2019-20
6. Dr. Amol N. Mahapure Pro. (Dr.) Archana R. Kamble 2023-24
7. Dr. Akhilesh Shinde Pro. (Dr.) Archana R. Kamble Submitted

List of NET Qualifying Students

Sr. No. Name of the Student Year of passing NET Year of passing UG/PG
1. Dr. Pralhad Mane 2012 1999
2. Dr. Dipali Samant 2012 2005-2008 (PG)
3. Dr. Avinash Vardhan 2011 (JRF) 2005-2007 (PG)

List of SET Qualifying Students

Sr. No. Name of the Student Year of passing SET Year of passing UG/PG
1. Mrs. Prdnya Bhate 2024 2017-18
2. Mrs. Seema Gurav 2022 21-22
3. Dr. Sushma A. Jadhav 2010 2002

List of GATE Qualifying Students

Sr. No. Name of the Student Year of passing GATE Year of passing UG/PG
1 Sourabh Tukaram Khade 2021 2020

List of Students Qualifying Competitive Exams

Sr. No. Name of the Student Position Exam conducting Authority
1. Mr. Hemant Patil IFS officer UPSC
2. Mr.Ranjeet Nalawade Major CDS
3. Mr. Amit Aswale Major CDS
4. Mr. U.A. Kalake Air Force Officer CDS
5. Mr. Avinash Shinde Regional officer, RBI Goa Region IBPS
6. Mr. Ganesh Gudalkar PO, BOI, Kolhapur IBPS



Departmental Activities: -

1. Study Tour
2. Industrial Study Visit
3. ‘NGO’ meet at  ‘Avani, Ekati, Matoshri’.
4. Guest  Lectures
5. Group  Discussions
6. Poster Exhibition
7.Speak Confidently

Extra Curricular Activity: -

1. Student’s Birthday celebration
2. Welcome function
3. Guru Pornima
4. Participation in ‘Avishkar’
5. Participation in Various Workshops
6. Tree Plantation
7. Celebrate ‘Vachan Prerana Din’

Value added course- Certificate course in social work (2019-20)

Department Faculty

Sr. No. Name of the Faculty Designation Qualification Resume

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{{df.Desig}} {{df.Qual}} View Resume