About Us

The Department of Zoology was established in 1976. At that time, the department was running B. Sc. I and B. Sc. II courses. In 2016 B. Sc. III was started. The department has a truly student-centric approach and runs many activities for the holistic development of the students. The department also carries out some extension activities and makes the students aware of their social responsibilities. The department has well-equipped laboratories with advanced instruments, a preserved animals museum, permanent slides, and models. The department has a departmental library. The department offers a certificate course in apiculture. Recently, the Department has developed a butterfly garden on college premises.

Vision, Mission, and Core Values


To introduce and popularize the study of Zoology by the way of graduate studies and to develop new generation with competency in the field of Zoology


To develop the insight of the students to acquire and apply the knowledge of Zoology in day to day life for welfare of society through the aspects of health, nutrition and life style

Core Values



Research Thrust Areas

Research Projects Ongoing and Completed:

Sr. No. Name of the Project Investigator Title of the Project Funding Agency Duration (Yrs) Amount Sanctions (INR)
{{$index+1}} {{x.StaffName}} {{x.Title}} {{x.Fund}} {{x.Duration}} {{x.Amt}}

Seminars / Conferences / Workshops

Sr. No Title Coordinator Duration Funding Agency
1 Workshop on New changed Syllabus B. Sc. I Zoology (NEP 2.0) Prof. K. A. Gajare 31/08/24 Shivaji University, Kolhapur
2. Workshop on Instrument handling Prof. K. A. Gajare 25/01/23  Shivaji University, Kolhapur
3. Workshop on Awareness of Blood and Platelet Donation Prof. K. A. Gajare 23/05/22  Shivaji University, Kolhapur
4 Entrepreneurship in Zoology Prof. K. A. Gajare One Day   Shivaji University, Kolhapur

Our Alumni

List of Prominent Alumni

The Department of Zoology is a newly established department in 2016. Still, we have our alumni who are establishing themselves in diverse fields and doing well in society. More than 70% of our alumni have progressed to post-graduation and more than 50% are employed. Some are setting up their startups.

Best Practices

  • The Department of Zoology conducted Zoo-corner a wallpaper activity every year since 2012. Novel and recent information on the animal world, the medical field, in any area of Zoology, is displayed in this corner every week. Activities like the Zoo-Corner quiz and Animal of the Week are also conducted under Zoo-Corner.
  • The Department of Zoology organizes health check-up camps for the students/ parents/ Kachara Vechak Mahila, etc.
  • The department celebrates wildlife Week, World Heart Day, Science Day, etc.


  1. D. Y. Patil Deemed University, Kolhapur.


  1. Vivekanand College Kolhapur (Autonomous)
  2. Dr. N.D. Patil Mahavidyalaya Malkapur

Contact Us


Head : Prof. K. A. Gajare

Department of Botany
The New College, Kolhapur
Contact : 9860086816


Faculty: Achievements and awards

Sr. No. Name of the Faculty Achievement /Award Awarding Authority Year
1 Prof. Dr. K. A. Gajare Appreciation for the participation as team manager of State level Avishkar Shivaji University Kolhapur 2024
2 Ms. Pratiksha Gaikwad Late Shivajirao Mulik Award Shivaji University Kolhapur 2023
3 Ms. Pratiksha Gaikwad Late Dr. Appasaheb Varute Award Shivaji University Kolhapur 2023

List of Meritorious Students

Sr. No. Name of the Student Details Year
1 Ms. Pratiksha Gaikwad 2nd in Zoology (UG)
1st in Zoology (PG)
2 Ms. Vrushali Kumbhar 4th in Zoology 2019
3 Ms. Kishori Patil 4th in Zoology 2018
4 Mr. Aditya Nagvekar 8th in Zoology 2018

List of Ph. D. Awarded Students

Sr. No. Name of the Student Name of the Guide Year of Ph. D. Award
1 Ms. Manju Pardesi Prof. K. A. Gajare 2012
2 Mr. Madhusudan Bele Prof. K. A. Gajare 2012

List of NET Qualifying Students

Sr. No. Name of the Student Year of passing NET Year of passing UG/PG
1 Ms. Pratiksha Gaikwad 2023 2020
2 Ms. Susmita Gurav 2023 2020
3 Mr. Aditya Nagvekar 2022 2018
4 Ms. Anjali Patil 2020 2016

List of GATE Qualifying Students

Sr. No. Name of the Student Year of passing GATE Year of passing UG/PG
1 Ms. Pratiksha Gaikwad 2023 2020
2 Ms. Susmita Gurav 2023 2020
3 Mr. Aditya Nagvekar 2022 2018
4 Ms. Anjali Patil 2020 2016

List of Students Qualifying Competitive Exams

Sr. No. Name of the Student Position Exam conducting Authority
1. Miss Vrushali Dilip Kumbhar Main Examination Clerk- Typist Mantralaya Clark exam of MPSC in 2023 MPSC



Departmental Activity:

• National Science Day celebration, World heart day celebration

Co - Curricular Activities:

1. Zoo-corner
2. Quiz.
3. Seminars.
4. National Science Day celebration.
5. Invited Lectures.
6. Study tours.

Departmental Activities: -

1. Study Tour
2. Industrial Study Visit
3. ‘Field Visit.
4. Guest  Lectures
5. Group  Discussions
6. Poster Exhibition
7. Model Exhibition

Extra Curricular Activity: -

1. Student’s Birthday celebration
2. Welcome function
3. Participation in ‘Avishkar’
4. Participation in Various Workshops
5. Seminar
6. Tree Plantation
7. ‘Science Day’, ‘World Heart Day’,’ Environment Day’ celebration
8. Celebrate ‘ Marathi Din’

Other: -

1. Department was organized an One Day Workshop on ‘Entrepreneurship in Zoology’
2. Department of Zoology will make ‘MoU’ with related organization.
3. To take miner and major projects regarding to particular subject

Department Faculty

Sr. No. Name of the Faculty Designation Qualification Resume

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{{df.Desig}} {{df.Qual}} View Resume