
In order to maintain a good association with the past students, Alumni Association develops contact and networks with the past students to bring them together and participate in the various activities of the college.
Alumni actively participate in different activities of the college and college is always happy to see them engaged in the new endeavors’.

Please fill up the form below to join alumni group.

If you are an ex-student of our college, you are requested to be in touch with us through the Alumni Association of our college. All you have to do is fill in the online alumni form and submit it online.

Besides having occasional get together, many of our alumni take pride in sponsoring some of our programs and awards. We take pride in inviting them back on campus as resource persons on many an occasion. " Puraskar " is given to ex-students who are renowned experts / achievers in their field.

Full Name
Year of Graduation / PG
Email ID
Contact No.
Any suggestion / message

माजी विद्यार्थांसाठी नोंदणी फी रु. 500/- आहे. (तसेच आजीव सभासद फी रु.1000/- असून ऐच्छिक आहे) कृपया माजी विध्यार्थ्यांनी त्वरित नावनोंदणी करावी.

नोंदणी फी, आजीव सभासद फी आणि देणगी महाविद्यालयाच्या कार्यालयात जमा करू शकता किंवा खाली दिलेल्या बँक खाते Cheque, NET Banking, NEFT, RTGS, Google Pay अशा विविध माध्यमातून जमा करू शकता.

खातेचे नाव: न्यू कॉलेज माजी विद्यार्थी संघ

बँकेचे नाव: बँक ऑफ महाराष्ट्र, न्यू महाद्वार रोड, कोल्हापूर

खाते नं: 6003 8330 563

IFSC Code: MAHB0000326

तसेच पैसे जमा केलेनंतर आपले पूर्ण नांव, पत्ता आणि बॅच वर्ष खालीलपैकी कोणत्याही व्हाट्सअप्प नंबरवर कळवावे.

श्री.अमर सासने 8552833434

श्री.सचिन कुंभार 9421286620

श्री.चेतन पाटोळे 9822185983
