Brief History of the Department

Establishment : June, 1971
To create awareness among the students about economical matters, investment and saving. Our faculty have been working with full efficiency of modern.

To explore the study of Economics and analyze economic policy framing in terms of the society

To provide fundamental knowledge of Economics and to make the students aware national & international economic policies and to enable them with critical thinking ability.


Our Alumni

List of Prominent Alumni


Special Achievements of Dept:
1. Campaign of Save Girl Child organized

Aishwarya Aital  Success in MPSC exam 2018- 2019

Aishwarya Naik  Success in MPSC exam 2017-18 

Mayuri Powar Selected as Constable in BSF. 2019



1 One day National Conference Organized by Department of Economics on Co-operative Movement on Rural development in India (22 Feb 2015, No. of participated: 200)
2 One-Day Workshop Organized by Department on Intellectual Property Rights – 2019-20 No. of participated: 70
3 Poster Presentation on old coins & currency.10 Feb. 2016, Participation - 31
4 Participated in Mega Job Offer - 10
5 Felicitation to Aishwarya Aital Success in MPSC exam 2018- 2019
6 Mayuri Powar, Selected as Constable in BSF. 2019
7 Aishwarya Naik, Success in MPSC exam 2017-18
8 Visit Books of Village: Bhilar. Participated:23
9 Shahu Co-operative Sugar Factory, Kagal.Participated:50
10 Discussion on Budget 2015-2016 :57
11 Discussion of Money and Financial Institution, Date:26/8/2015:Participated: 37
12 Food Security, Workshop, 2016-17 Participated: 137
13 Discussion on Budget 2016-17, Participated: 47
14 Celebration of World Population Day, Participated:87
15 Industrial Visit 2019.Participated:30
16 Collection of Foreign Coins.Participated: 49
17 ‘Independence Day’ – Celebration At.Shendapark (Leprosy People)


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