Brief History of the Department


Mathematics department was established in The New College in June 1975
B.Sc III mathematics started from June 2016 ,Result of B.Sc III is more than 90%. Strength of B.Sc.-I, II in the college is more than 400.

Student Strength

Strength of students for last 7 years

Heads of Dept.



• To develop logical thinking among the students.
• To develop mathematical skills and computing expertise among the students.
• To develop abilities for using mathematics in Industry.
• To develop skills to use mathematics for other science subjects.
• To develop capabilities among the students to face the competitive examinations.
• To enable the students to solve mathematical problems in daily life.

Our Alumni

List of Prominent Alumni



1  B.Sc III Student Komal Maskar (2017 - 18)  won first prize for Poster presentation at Shahaji College Kolhapur
2  B.Sc III Student Aishwarya Patil (2018 - 19) won 'The Best Participent' Prize at Sanjay Ghodawat Institute.Kolhapur
3  B.Sc III Students Tejal Patil & Sharad Mahadik (2018 - 19) won second for Poster presentation at Willingdon College Sangli
4  B.Sc I Student Shivaraj Patil (2019 - 20) won first Prize for Poster Presentation at Sanjay Ghodawat Institute.Kolhapur
5  Shivaraj Patil (B.Sc I) & Dhiraj Sathe  (B.Sc II) (2019 - 20) won first Prize for Quiz Competition at 'SUMS' YCIS Satara
6  B.Sc I student Shivaraj Patil (2019 - 20) won first Prize for Quiz Competition at Willingdon College Sangli
7  B.Sc II students Komal Madake & Dhiraj Sathe (2019 - 20) Secured Out of Marks in Mathematics theory exam
8  B.Sc II student Shivaraj Patil (2020 - 21) won first Prize for Quiz Competition at Willingdon College Sangli



1  Celebration of Teachers Day on 5th september of each year
2  Conduction of Seminars on Topics other than Curriculum
3  Celebration of Mathematics Day through the activity of Poster Presentation
4  Conduction of Guest Lectures by Knowledgeble personallities and Motivational speakers
5  Conduction of Study tour for B.Sc Part III Students
6  Conduction of Farewell Function for B.Sc III students


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